Friday, February 8, 2013

In movies and commercials there are disclaimers stating that all stunts were done in closed sets by professionals and should not be attempted. Something along this line should be tied to most rap albums also. Too many young people fall victim to the testimonies and/or fairy tale lifestyles portrayed in them by trying to reenact what they hear. While some speak against violent video games that may inspire the next mass murderer, let’s not forget about the inner city youth who are the target market for "gangster" rap. It's not to say that some cannot separate fact from fiction or past experience from present life, but can we really say violence is a trait one is born with? Mindsets, like character, are conditional qualities formed by any condition(s) one submits to; be it fact or fake. Given the realistic descriptions in rap music one can easily assume that everything stated is true. Unlike the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause who fade into the unreal category as we age, it is not so with the violent lyrics found in rap music. Why is this? Lyrical content works as affirmation in young people; charging them into a life of chaos and ultimately self abortion.  I remember where I was when all I listened to was music that encouraged negative behavior. There were certain songs known for starting fights. I'm not implying that it made me make certain decisions because at the end of the day it was still mine to make. But it does encourage a mentality that makes it easy to act out what an individual is feeding on. Just as bait on a hook encourages a fish to bite and then after biting, the thought of getting food is immediately switched to trying to escape from being captured; so it is when one attempts to live the lyrics. Young people think they are getting something beneficial, not realizing they are being baited for destruction. I can recall talking with another young man about trying to better his self in the classroom but his mind was fixed on getting high on drugs and money. He wasn't trying to hear me or anyone else that encouraged the value of education while quoting the lyrics of his favorite rapper; which was the script for his character. There are some that can find the line and are able to listen while making positive advancements but fail to realize there character is being contaminated. It doesn't take a gift of discernment to determine what an individual is consuming, just a simple observation. Vocabulary and behavior are shaped by influence. Influence is fed at the table of exposure. When there are common values within the community for healthy growth of human life, those who you cannot get through to can be frustrating. But even they must come to the realization that there is far more to life than street life and want better. If we all had this type of conviction, to value human life and encourage success then we would truly understand what it means to say United We Stand. Empowerment must be harnessed responsibly, being pointed in a positive direction, or else it will be lost due to mismanagement. 

Ps. 127:3-4

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